The Heron Car Club of New Zealand.

1991 AugustHeron

Left to right - Peter Milmine, Ross Baker, John Evans and Don Hague.

During 1991 Bob Adler bought one of the last Herons, not one of the Summit Herons but one of the cars that were built up from parts after production had finished. Like those who before him who had bought a Heron MJ1, he was proud of the fact that he was now the owner of a genuine Kiwi supercar. With the help of his wife Trish and John Evans, they started to hunt down current Heron MJ1 owners and organise a weekend get together in Rotorua.

It was thanks to this enthusiasm that the first meeting of the club occurred on the weekend of the 17th to 18th of August 1991. There were four cars and seven owners present. It was a great weekend and represented the biggest number of Herons that had been together in the same spot for some time.

It was thanks to Bob’s effort and research that the website was created detailing as much as possible of the life of all the Heron cars that were sold in Rotorua. That website was created and maintained by Mike van Bokhoven until 2021. It is worth noting that most of that information was carried over to this website.

1991 AugustHeron

Cars parked in Rotorua in 1991.

Two newsletters were produced by Bob but then life as so often happens got in the way what followed was a long hiatus of several decades.

In 2021 thanks to the renewed public interest in the Heron Marque, long time Heron owners started to meet together for outings and to share notes. It is thanks to the combined efforts of Alan Wichman, Scott Brearly, Walter Wing and Ross Baker that a new club was formed in 2021. The purpose of the club is to organise regular social outings, attend car shows to bring the Heron marque to the public’s attention and to help other people in their efforts to restore any Heron cars.

2021 Herons

A flock of Heron owners in 2021. From Left to right— Walter Wing, Bryce Gliddon, Alan Wichman, Taylor Wichman, Tom Wichman, Brady Wedding and Scott Brearley. Pic Courtesy of Classic Driver magazine.